Tagged: “cardio”
The importance of stretching
Why You Should Stretch. Yes, You! The Importance of Stretching We’ve heard it over and over again, yet many of us don’t take the time to do it. We either rush through our stretches, wait until we’ve overdone it and are stiff or sore and then stretch, or we simply skip it altogether. Stretching has […]
Getting Started – how to get back into an exercise routine
Getting Started We’ve all been guilty of letting our fitness lag over the winter months at some point or another. We became too busy, too tired, unmotivated, or life circumstances have prevented us from getting the exercise we need. If you feel like your “get-up-and-go” has gotten-up-and-gone, here are some tips to help you get […]
What happens when you abandon your workouts?
9 Unexpected Things That Happen When You Abandon Your Workout Routine http://www.livestrong.com/article/1011617-9-unexpected-things-happen-abandon-workout-routine/
10 reasons why people won’t exercise
Here’s the top 10 reasons why people don’t exercise: Charlie Smith interviews Ron Zalko http://www.straight.com/life/850476/vancouver-fitness-pioneer-ron-zalko-offers-10-reasons-why-people-wont-exercise By Ron Zalko
Physical Signs of Anxiety you shouldn’t ignore
Physical signs of Anxiety you shouldn’t ignore: https://www.bustle.com/p/physical-signs-of-anxiety-you-shouldnt-ignore-29074 To help alleviate the symptoms, make sure you are physically active on a daily basis, do strength or weight training, eat well and try to get 8 hours of sleep.
Why Resting Heart Rate Is Important for Health
Why Resting Heart Rate Is Important for Health http://linkis.com/roguehealthandfitness.com/BQ5LB
Dose of Jogging and Long-Term Mortality
Dose of Jogging and Long-Term Mortality The Copenhagen City Heart Study Eating and Exercise all in Moderation. http://content.onlinejacc.org/article.aspx?articleID=2108914
Foam Rolling for Beginners
Foam Rolling for Beginners Also available at Ron Zalko Fitness & Yoga! http://www.ironman.com/triathlon-news/articles/2016/06/foam-rolling-for-beginners.aspx#axzz4ByiUE9Ek
The Importance of Cardio Workouts – Ron Zalko Fitness & Yoga, Vancouver, Canada
The Importance of Cardio Workouts – Ron Zalko Fitness & Yoga, Vancouver, Canada There is no denying that we live in a fast paced world where time is money. Despite our busy schedules, gathering some time from our daily routine for maintaining our health is a must. Fortunately, most people across the world are now […]
10 Evidence Based Health Benefits of Green Tea
Here are 10 evidence based health benefits of green tea. Many of us have heard that green tea is beneficial to your health including because of it’s antioxidant properties, but this list is far more comprehensive about just what green tea can do for you. Time to put down the coffee cup and pick […]