Tagged: “Gyms and Fitness Centres in Vancouver”
What happens when you abandon your workouts?
9 Unexpected Things That Happen When You Abandon Your Workout Routine http://www.livestrong.com/article/1011617-9-unexpected-things-happen-abandon-workout-routine/
Foam Rolling for Beginners
Foam Rolling for Beginners Also available at Ron Zalko Fitness & Yoga! http://www.ironman.com/triathlon-news/articles/2016/06/foam-rolling-for-beginners.aspx#axzz4ByiUE9Ek
How to be Sun Smart this Summer
How to be Sun Smart this Summer Summer is well on the way and with deadly skin cancers on the rise, it’s important to protect your skin and eyes if you are going to be in the sun this summer. Here are some helpful tips to remember. Don’t get caught unprepared – the […]
Baby Boomers Shape Up for the long haul
Ron Zalko, founder of Ron Zalko Fitness and Yoga in Kitsilano and founder of Ironman Canada, says he’s seen an increase in the number of older people coming to the gym during the past few years. “Baby boomers are very aware of the benefits of fitness as they age,” Zalko says by phone. “If you […]