Ron Zalko Fitness

Tagged: “healthy living”

The importance of stretching

Why You Should Stretch. Yes, You! The Importance of Stretching We’ve heard it over and over again, yet many of us don’t take the time to do it. We either rush through our stretches, wait until we’ve overdone it and are stiff or sore and then stretch, or we simply skip it altogether. Stretching has […]

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Physical Signs of Anxiety you shouldn’t ignore

Physical signs of Anxiety you shouldn’t ignore: To help alleviate the symptoms, make sure you are physically active on a daily basis, do strength or weight training, eat well and try to get 8 hours of sleep.

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Vitamins and Supplements promoted as “Magic Pills”

The amounts of vitamins and supplements Canadians are taking is steadily on the rise. These pills are also being marketed more aggressively, often as a be-all end-all cure for whatever ails you from A-Z. But how many vitamins and in what doses do we really need? Are the amounts being consumed safe? Are they high […]

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Baby Boomers Shape Up for the long haul

Ron Zalko, founder of Ron Zalko Fitness and Yoga in Kitsilano and founder of Ironman Canada, says he’s seen an increase in the number of older people coming to the gym during the past few years. “Baby boomers are very aware of the benefits of fitness as they age,” Zalko says by phone. “If you […]

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